Banglalore, India 560093


We build scalable solutions for the next generation distributed ledger technology.

Blockchain Node Providers

  • Blockchain nodes store a complete copy of the distributed ledger and are responsible for the reliability of the stored data. Nodes are used by developers for building blockchain-based applications.
  • When it comes to deployment of a full blockchain node, hardware, software and network connection must satisfy certain requirements.
  • The process of running and maintaining blockchain nodes has a lot of technical issues, it’s time-consuming, and requires heavy expenses.
  • Node service provider is an alternative to self-running of full blockchain nodes; it offers developer tools and infrastructure to set up and manage the nodes connected to the blockchain.
  • Node service providers offer APIs for developers to create automated workflows..

As a result of their exposure to, and relationships with numerous organizations, consulting firms are typically aware of industry “best practices.” However, the specific nature of situations under consideration may limit the ability to transfer such practices from one organization to another.

Based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) topology, blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT). This technology allows data to be stored globally on thousands of servers, with any network user being able to see all the entries that appear at any time. This makes it nearly impossible to gain control of the network..

A blockchain Node

A blockchain node is an open-source, cross-platform runtime that allows developers to create various services. The P2P protocol allows nodes to communicate with each other within the network and transfer information about transactions and new blocks.


Network nodes are responsible for the correctness and reliability of storing the entered data in the distributed ledger. Each node can store a complete copy of the distributed ledger. Thanks to the blockchain nodes, any user can access the data and can view all transactions conducted or stored on the network.

Launching a network node used to be practically the only way to connect to the blockchain. Each new node contributes to the decentralization of the blockchain network, shortening the transaction time, and reducing fees.

By setting up your node, you receive a small income from the transactions that go through your channels.

Nodes participate in consensus, share information about transactions and the number of funds, confirm transactions and store copies of confirmations, participate in the building of new blocks in the chain, for which they receive a reward.

A business using nodes is built on receiving commissions for transfers, purchase/sale of cryptocurrency assets on the exchange.